Daniel Grayson is Victoria and Conrad's oldest son. He attends the Harvard Business School and was just involved in a drunk driving accident, which caused his parents to now tighten his boundaries and lift his expectations.

He meets Emily at the Hamptons and falls in love. However, he has no idea what Emily's true intentions are toward his family.

Daniel Grayson Quotes

Tyler: How was your swim?
Daniel: Rough. This one's part dolphin.

Look on the bright side, you can party all summer and I'll be your designated driver.

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Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
