Annie Norris Image

Will Sam end up with Annie Norris, pictured here? Many Life on Mars fans sure hope so.

Life on Mars Partners

Might love be in the air on Life on Mars? Sam and Annie sure do get along quite well, don't they?

Sam and Annie

Sam and Annie are seen here in the woods. It's a scene from the episode titled "The Man Who Sold the World."

Annie and Sam

Annie and Sam walk the streets, trying to solve a case. In 1973, of course.

Annie Norris Photo

Annie Norris is an outcast, like Sam. She's struggling with the sexist of the era, as she tries to move up in the police world.

Life on Mars Quotes

If I'd wanted to be this bored, I'd go to Mass with the missus and her miserable mother.


I have an ass that can fart every Peter, Paul & Mary song ever recorded.

Ray Carling