The New House?

Is House really new and improved? This is a shot of the character from season six.

Friends and Co-Workers

We hope Cuddy and House get together someday. In real life, not just House's imagination.

The Bosses

House returns to the team, as its leader, during the episode "Teamwork." Sorry, Foreman. You had your chance.

Recruitment Pitch

On the episode "Teamwork," House recruits Thirteen to return to the team. He visits her in the her gym.

More Patient

Since his stay in a mental hospital, House has made an effort to get along better with patient. It's sort of working.

Funny Speaker

House speaking in front of a room full of strangers. This has the capacity to end very badly.

At a Medical Conference

House and Wilson are seen here at a medical conference, as the latter tries to talk some sense into the former. Good luck with that!

With a Patient

On the episode "Brave Heart," House deals with a patient that is convinced he has the same ailment that killed his relatives.

Speak Up!

What? House can't hear you. You're gonna have to SPEAK UP!

Doctor is In

No longer a crazy person, will House actually be a nice person? The man is trying.

The Old Team

It's like going back in time. House is back with his old team during the episode "Instant Karma."

The House Face

This is a House face we know and love. The doctor is both annoyed and lost in deep thought.

House Quotes

[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.


(To Cuddy) If it turns out she has Meningitis, you're right, you win. But if we go back downstairs and she dies, pfft... your face will be so red!
