Trio of Nurse Jackie Characters

Pictured here, in a scene from Nurse Jackie: Eve Best as Dr. O'Hara, Edie Falco as Jackie Peyton, and Stephen Wallem as Thor.

Important Phone Call

Grace stars therapy on the episode "Monkey Bits." Her mother is on the phone in this scene from the half hour.

As Jackie

Edie Falco owns the character of Jackie Peyton. She's perfect for the role.

Jackie and Coop Photo

Jackie is seen here with Coop on season two of Nurse Jackie. These two make for entertaining co-workers.

Kevin and Jackie

Jackie reconnects with Kevin on season two of Nurse Jackie. She has a lot to make up for.

Hilarious Pair

This is our favorite part of Nurse Jackie: pretty much any conversation between Jackie and Zoey.

Jackie and Zoey

Edie Falco deserves multiple Emmys for her portrayal of nurse Jackie Peyton. The actress made this series into a hit on Showtime.

Nurse Jackie Picture

Jackie Peyton has a lot on her plate. It's not easy to pop pill AND have an affair at work.

Jackie Peyton Picture

Jackie Peyton has many balls in the air. She does drugs, has an affair and takes care of two children at home.

Jackie and Coop

Jackie and Coop have an interesting relationship. He grabs her breasts when he's nervous.

Doctor and Nurse

Jackie and Dr. O'Hara are total BFF. The later often treats the former to a fancy lunch.

Jackie and Kevin

Jackie and Kevin face a dilemma in "School Nurse." What do they do with troubled daughter Grace?

Nurse Jackie Quotes

Don't ever say "ta-da." The only people that say "ta-da" are magicians or idiots.

Jackie Peyton

Percoset should never be crushed and chewed, unless you want it to hit your system like a bolt of lightening. Which is only a problem if you're afraid of lightening.

Jackie Peyton