Lorelai learns how to fish for Alex on the Gilmore Girls episode, "Lorelai Out of Water."

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Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls Season 3 Episode 12: "Lorelai Out of Water"
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Gilmore Girls Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Rory: (very sleepy) You set my alarm for 5:15 AM.
Lorelai: I know, and I did it for purely practical reasons.
Rory: Which are?
Lorelai: My alarm is just not as reliable as your scream.

Luke: So tell me something, what's it like being Taylor's lawyer?
Miss Leahy: Well actually I'm not Mr. Doose's lawyer or only lawyer. He's one of our clients. So all our attorneys deal with him on a rotating basis. It's my month.
Luke: My condolences.
Miss Leahy: You know my father always told me that whatever does not kill you makes you stronger.
Luke: You're gonna be really strong.