Sam and Annie are seen here in the woods. It's a scene from the episode titled "The Man Who Sold the World."

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Life on Mars
Life on Mars Season 1 Episode 7: "The Man Who Sold the World"
Sam Tyler, Annie Norris
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Life on Mars Photos, Sam Tyler Photos, Annie Norris Photos
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Life on Mars Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Sam: Wait, he's missing eyes, ears and a nose.
Chris: And hands and tongue. You can't see it in that photo.
Sam: Ugh-h-h.
Lee: Word on the street - The Pignatos wanted it known if you cross them you have violated one of their five senses. They retaliate symbolically.

Sam: You're missing the point. Maybe this is the reason why I'm here. To figure out what happened to my family ... and to prevent my father from leaving.
Annie: Are you saying that that filthy kidnapper is your father?
Sam: That's exactly what I'm saying ... Happy Birthday to me.