Dominic Chianse on Blue Bloods

Dominic Chianse guest stars on the episode "Officer Down." He plays an old friend of Henry's.

Frank on a Case

Frank takes on a rape case on the episode "Privilege." The character is played by Tom Selleck.

Jamie Reagan Picture

Jamie Reagan is to to the police force. But he comes from a very long line of family cops.

Danny R.

Donne Wahlberg plays a main role on Blue Bloods. He's seen here as the character of Danny Reagan.

Anthony Renzull and Jamie Reagan

Sgt. Anthony Renzull and Jamie Reagan are scene here. The photo is courtesy of the episode "Samaritan."

Henry and Frank

Henry and Fran Reagan represent two generations of this family in NYC law enforcement. There's a third, as well, on Blue Bloods.

Blue Bloods Season 1 Quotes

Jamie: Saw my first dead body last night. Of course Danny had to be the one to show it to me.
Erin: If you were twelve he would have made you kiss it.

If Mom were still alive she'd tell you that was beyond your skill set.
