No Matter What Happens - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

No matter what happens, it's good to know that Kate still gets her coffee. No case can be solved with caffeine.

Amused and Apprehensive - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Whatever is happening, Esposito looks amused while Beckett just looks apprehensive.

So Which Is It - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

So which is it? Has Castle wormed his way back into the investigation or is seeing him here with Beckett some sort of a fluke.

Perlmutter's On the Case - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Poor Castle. He would have had much better luck if Lanie had been the ME on this case.

In or Out - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

So is Esposito filling Castle in on the case or telling him that he still can't be a part of this investigation?

Will It Work - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Will Rick's plan work? Will getting his private investigator's license allow him to work with Beckett once again.

He's Got Explaining To Do - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Beckett takes Castle aside. He's got some explaining to do while Ryan goes over the evidence with Perlmutter.

Not To Be Left Out - Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Not to be left out of a murder investigation, Castle's found a way to work with Beckett. He's gotten his Private Investigator's license.

A Body Without Castle Season 7 Episode 11

Beckett's on the case when a new dead body shows up but since Castle's been kicked out of the 12th precinct, investigating a murder just won't be the same.

Will They Work Together? - Castle

Will Beckett and Castle still be able to work together now that he's been kicked out of the 12th precinct?

Castle Season 7 Episode 11 Quotes

How a woman so astute could choose to marry Castle?


It's just that ever since you've been banned from working with Katherine you and your pajamas have been seeing an awful lot of each other.
