The Real Cool Boys - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

Besides, everyone knows that Javier Esposito and Kevin Ryan are the real "Cool Boys" in the house. Check out Castle Season 8 Episode 6 on Monday, November 9th on ABC.

Slapping the Cuffs on Slaughter - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

We think Ryan and Espo are more than happy to slap the cuffs on Slaughter if there's a reason.

Not Big Fans of Slaughter - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

Ryan and Esposito weren't exactly big fans of Detective Slaughter the last time Castle ended up working with him.

Guns Drawn - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

Well, if Ryan and Esposito barreling in with guns drawn is any indication, we'd say things are about to get pretty tense.

Things Get Tense - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

So just how tense will things get between the rough, gruff, detective and the husband of the 12th precinct's new Captain?

Slaughter Plays Rough - Castle Season 8 Episode 6

We know from his last visit that Detective Slaughter likes to play rough but that just isn't Richard Castle's style.

Detective Slaughter Returns - Castle

Detective Ethan Slaughter returns. What kinds of trouble will he get Rick Castle into this time?

Castle Season 8 Episode 6 Quotes

Martha: Is that the old friend who almost got you killed a few years ago?
Castle: Yeah, like six times.

This separation thing is getting really old.
