Echo Photo

In Dollhouse, Echo has no idea who she is. Her memory and her personality have been erased.
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Dollhouse Star

Look out, bad guys! Echo has a knife... and a gun!
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Echo, Dollhouse

Echo is the main character in Dollhouse. She's one of several "Actives" on the series.
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Echo Picture

This is a shot of Echo from the series premiere of Dollhouse. The character is played by actress Elisha Dushku.
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On a Mission

Sorry, Echo, but you're gonna have to forget about your previous life. You're an Active now, part of the Dollhouse.
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Meeting a Client

On the series premiere of Dollhouse, Echo receives her first mission. Will she carry it out properly?
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Undercover Echo

As part of the Dollhouse, Echo is given a task she must execute. She's none of the many Actives on duty for the company.
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Boyd Langdon Picture

Boyd Langdon is in charge of the Dollhouse. Echo reports back to this man.
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Dollhouse Danger

Whoa. Echo finds herself having to shield a child from danger during the opening episode of Dollhouse.
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Inside the Dollhouse

Echo goes Active inside the Dollhouse. This photo is taken from the show's series premiere episode.
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Topher Brink Picture

Topher Brink is Dollhouse's resident geek. He's the individual responsible for actually downloading new personalities into each Active.
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Dollhouse Cast

Welcome to this Dollhouse. The drama from Fox focuses on a team of individuals that have had their memories wiped clean and are given important tasks to carry out.
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Dollhouse Quotes

If you have everything, you want something else. Something more extreme. Something more specific. Something perfect.

Paul Ballard

You ever try to clean an actual slate? You always see what was on it before.
