Downton Abbey Tug of War

Heave! Ho! A tug of war takes place on the Downton Abbey Season 3 finale.

Maggie Smith Photo

Who does not adore Maggie Smith on Downton Abbey?!? This is a photo from Season 3.

Cora Picture

Cora is still reeling, and can you blame her? One of her children has passed away.

Lady Sybil

Sybil Branson prepares to give birth to her first child at Downton Abbey. Lady Sybil worries about the christening of her baby as a Catholic at Downton.

Sybil and Tom

Sybil and Tom are featured here on the third episode of season three of Downton Abbey. They are in some trouble.

Mary and the Dowager Countess

Mary and the Dowager Countess conspire in this Downton Abbey scene. They need to save their family from financial ruin.

Shirley MacLaine and Maggie Smith

Shirley MacLaine and Maggie Smith are featured in this scene. It's from the Downton Abbey Season 3 premiere.

Mary and Matthew at the Altar

The day has come for Mary and Matthew. Congratulations to this happy couple!

Downton Abbey Season 3 Quotes

Miss O'Brien, we are about to hire a footman, and I have no time to be training hobbledeehoys.

Mr. Carson

May I remind you, Mr. Barrow, that in this house Mr. Bates is a wronged man seeking justice. If you have any problems with that definition, I suggest you eat in the yard.

Mr. Carson