Fun Look at Walter

Walter meets a musical idol on the episode "The Firely." It's the first Fringe episode of 2011.

From Firefly

You're looking at a photo from "Firefly." It's the first Fringe episode of 2011.

Olivia at Work

Olivia will meet her stepfather at some point in 2011. That should be awfully interesting!

Peter and the Real Olivia

Peter and Olivia have a lot to discuss on "Marionette." Like how he was dating her dangerous double.

Examining a Victim

Doesn't look like this was a fun way to die. Peter and Walter examined a victim's body.

On Trail of a Killer

Peter tracks a killer in this Fringe scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Marionette."

And What Is This?

What do we have here? Walter investigates a crime scene during the episode "Entrada."

Over Here, Working a Case

Broyles and Ptere are seen here together, working an Over Here case. It's a scene from the episode "Entrada."

Hold It, Peter!

Not so fast, Peter. Bolivia holds a gun up to the young Mr. Bishop in this scene because he's on to her.

Secretary Bishop

Secretary Bishop is rarely up to anything good. This is a shot of him Over There, from the episode "The Abducted."

From The Abducted

Olivia is searching for the truth in this scene. We wish her the best of luck with that.

Colonel Takes a Stand

Broyles takes a stand in this scene from Fringe. It's courtesy of the episode "The Abducted."

Fringe Season 3 Quotes

I'm not crazy you know. To prove that to you I'd have to tell you some things that are even crazier.


Peter: The whole time I was in there, there was only one thing I could think about.
Bolivia: Yeah what? (Peter then kisses Bolivia)
Peter: That.