Collision Photo

A photo from the episode "Collision."

Ando Won!

Ando and Hiro have a good night in Las Vegas. At least it begins that way.

This is Awkward...

In "Collision," Claire wakes up to find herself inside out. Fortunately, she doesn't remain on the morgue table for very long.

The Haitian and Mr Bennet

Don't forget you saw this picture with the Haitian in it

Jessica and Nathan share a kiss

Does Nathan have more illegitimate children on the way?

Zach and Claire

Claire just wants to be a normal high schooler

Isaac sees the future

Painting what is to come

Peter's confession

Unfortunately, Mohinder doesn't believe Peter can fly.

Simone and Peter

After tonight, Peter is Simone's hero in a different way...

Niki or Jessica?

Is it our sweet mom Niki or her evil alter ego Jessica in this picture?

Heroes Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Mohinder Suresh: Your life may be in danger. I believe someone is targeting you.
Nathan Petrelli: Can you be a little more specific? Twelve percent of the electorate strongly opposes me.

My name is Hiro Nakamura. I'm from the future. I have a message for you.

Hiro Nakamura