Head Strong

After taking Claire's power, Sylar gives her back the top of her head. Who said this wasn't a caring fella?!?

Brain on Display

This looks painful. Claire is forced to lie still as Sylar picks apart her brain in the season premiere's creepiest moment.


This doesn't look too promising for Matt Parkman. Fortunately, he'll have better luck later on in the Heroes third season premiere.

Meet Your Nemesis

You wanted a quest, Hiro? Now you have one. Go track down Daphne.

Maya, Mohinder

Maya freaked out Mohinder when he first arrived home to open season three. These two would later get their freak on in a very different way.

Future Heroes

Future Claire and future Peter open season three of Heroes. And they do so with a bang!

Mother Petrelli

Angela Petrelli plays a key role in volume three of Heroes. We'll have to watch every episode to understand just how key.

Hiro Meets Daphne

Hiro is confronted by Daphne in the third season premiere of Heroes. These two don't get along so well.

Parkman Photo

Don't worry, Matt Parkman is on the case! This is an image of the character from the third season premiere of Heroes.

Peter Picture

It's a brave new world for Peter Petrelli. Here he is in the third season premiere of Heroes.

Claire Pic

Claire Bennet faces new challenges in season three of Heroes. This is a shot of her on the phone in the premiere.

Big Trouble

In the Heroes season three premiere, Hiro is in trouble. As always, though, Ando is there for him.

Heroes Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Why is there evil? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? How do we make love stay?


I can fix it. All of it.
