Sammi and Ronnie - Jersey Shore

Sammi hugged Ronnie after he returned from his arrest resulting from a bar fight in 2009.
Rating: Unrated

Ronnie in handcuffs - Jersey Shore

Ronnie is handcuffed and put in a cop car in Jersey Shore Season 1 after knocking out Stephen Izzo during a bar fight.
Rating: Unrated

The Party - Jersey Shore

Pauly D is the DJ at the party for Mike to propose to his girlfriend.
Rating: Unrated

Ronnie in back of cop car - Jersey Shore

Ronnie is in the back of a cop car after a bar fight that resulted in him being charged with one count of third-degree assault.
Rating: Unrated

Da Sitch Pic

Mike is always stirring up drama.
Rating: Unrated

Situation Photo

The Situation has something to admit to Snooki in this finale scene: he isn't returning to Seaside.
Rating: Unrated

The Sitch

The Situation. What a guy.
Rating: Unrated

Michael Sorrentino Picture

This is Michael Sorrentino of Jersey Shore fame. You may know him as The Situation.
Rating: Unrated

The Girls of the Shore

The girls don't believe the Situation has changed on the season premiere of the Jersey Shore. "One More Unto the Beach; No Shame, Good Integrity" is the first episode of the show's sixth and final season.
Rating: Unrated

Will Mike & Paula Move Forward?

Mike and Paula discuss taking their relationship to the next level on Jersey Shore. "Merp Walk" is the third episode of the show's sixth and final season.
Rating: Unrated

Is Mike Rethinking His Situation

Is Mike rethinking his relationship with Paula on Jersey Shore. "Let's Make It Official" is the fourth episode of the show's sixth and final season.
Rating: Unrated

Deena Gets Lectured

Deena gets a lecture from her parents after the incident on Jersey Shore. "Control the Crazy" is the sixth episode of the show's sixth season.
Rating: Unrated