Mona Vanderwall, Pretty little Liars Season 1 Episode 1

Did we ever find out who A actually was? How many A's were there exactly? Was anything in this show ever actually explained? There was so much back and forth throughout the run of this show that it's nearly impossible to even come up with a coherent synopsis for what the show was about. However, one character whose antagonistic nature seemed to be pretty stable, even when she was helping out one of the main characters, was the character of Mona Vanderwall. The geek girl, turned sexy mean girl was one of the most fun characters to follow throughout the run of the show. In flashbacks, she is often shown in childish attire, glasses and pigtails, representing her innocence at that point in time. In the main time line however, with her blood red lips, cat eyes and darker color palette, her questionable morality is clear. Ladies and gentleman, never trust a girl with blood red lips.

PLL Finale Scene

This is really never a good sign. The girls are gathered around a computer screen on "For Whom the Bell Tolls."

In Aria's Room

On the season finale of Pretty Little Liars, Ezra and Aria run into a few major obstacles. He's standing in her room in this photo.

Church Scene

The girls. Two cops. A church. This all goes down on the Pretty Little Liars season finale.

A Quartet of Liars

The girls gather here on the first season finale of Pretty Little Liars. They aren't reacting well to what they see on screen.

Pretty Little Liars Finale Photo

What will happen to Spencer on the first season finale of Pretty Little Liars? She's had a rough season.

Ian on PLL

Do you trust Ian? He's pictured here on the season finale of Pretty Little Liars.

Spencer, All Alone

Poor Spencer. She is the town pariah as Pretty Little Liars heads toward its first season finale.

Monsters in the End Scene

There looks to be an awkward situation brewing here, as Paige encounters Emily, who is not alone.

At a Carnival

Yes, there's a carnival going on in the background. But it doesn't look like Hanna and Aria are having fun.

Ella Montgomery Pic

The text messages just keep on coming. Even Aria's mom is not immune to receiving them.

Caleb and Hanna

Hanna stares longingly into the eyes of Caleb here. The two became closer than ever after a night in a tent.

Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Quotes

Ezra: I'd like to know more about you.
Aria: I'd like to know more about you, too.

Friends share secrets. That's what keeps us close.
