Angry Louise - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Louise looks none to happy to see Emily at the dinner party! Since she thinks Emily killed Daniel, this is marginally understandable, right?

Emily Helps Nolan - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

While David is busy dealing with Victoria, Emily is free to help Nolan with his takedown of Lyman Ellis. Everything is better when these two are working together.

Louise and Lyman - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Lyman Ellis comes to the Hamptons to get control of his not-quite-sane sister Louise. Will he succeed?

A Peace Offering - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Nolan Ross offers Lyman Ellis a peace offering over dinner. Will the politician accept? Probably not.

Concerned Nolan - Revenge Season 4 Episode 12

Nolan plans his own takedown on Revenge Season 4 Episode 12. He looks very concerned about Louise's well-being here.

Emily VanCamp Pic - Revenge

Emily VanCamp stares into the camera for this ABC promotional photo. She stars, of course, on the smash drama Revenge.

The Last of Daniel Grayson - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

It seemed like there was so much story left to tell. We hate that this is the last we'll see of Daniel Grayson.

David in the Middle - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

Are all of David Clarke's secrets and lies really what led to Daniel's death?

A Lot of Wine - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

We think it's going to take more than one glass of wine to get these four people to work together to find the man behind Daniel's death.

Nolan's On the Case - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

It looks like Nolan's on the case to help track down the mysterious and deadly Malcolm Black.

So Much for Bonding - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

We had hoped that Daniel's death might help Emily and Victoria put their feud behind them but if those looks could kill, both women would be dead.

Making a Statement - Revenge Season 4 Episode 11

Leave it to Louise to make a statement at a funeral. Who else could pull off a black parasol in the Hamptons?

Revenge Quotes

Margaux: You're just like your father and mine. You do what you please and ask for forgiveness later. I need a man who doesn't make rash decisions.
Daniel: Really? Because you had that with Jack Porter and you needed more.

[to Aiden] Well, since you won't return my phone calls, I figured I'd use my Find a Former Friend app.
