Connor and Jonathan Painting

Connor and Jonathan help with the renovation of a school in rural Ghana.
Rating: Unrated

Jill and Thomas Painting

Jill and Thomas help paint a school in rural Ghana.
Rating: Unrated

Jonathan Helps Paint

Jonathan works with a local Ghana boy to help renovate his school.
Rating: Unrated

Nick and Vicki Painting

Nick and Vicki paint as part of school renovations in rural Ghana.
Rating: Unrated

Brooke Scouts The Competition

Brooke uses binoculars to figure out where her and Claire are going during a Detour.
Rating: Unrated

Katie and Rachel Ride the Gondola

Katie and Rachel ride a gondola up to the top of the mountain to begin the fifth leg.
Rating: Unrated

Kevin Climbs Back Up

Kevin completes a grueling mechanical ascender climb to finish the Roadblock.
Rating: Unrated

Mallory and Gary Run to the Pit Stop

Mallory and Gary, daughter and father, run to the Pit Stop.
Rating: Unrated

Michael and Kevin Ride the Boat

Michael and Kevin choose Boat for the Detour.
Rating: Unrated

Nat and Kat Eat the Fast Forward

Nat and Kat earn the Fast Forward by eating a sheep's head, a Norwegian Christmas tradition.
Rating: Unrated

Thomas Prepares For the Descent

Thomas, with Jill trailing, gets ready to rappel off a bridge.
Rating: Unrated

Vicki and Nick Listen

Vicki and Nick listen to the gramophone as part of the Classical Music Detour challenge.
Rating: Unrated