Claire Searches the Food

Claire looks for the fake piece of food in the Roadblock.
Rating: Unrated

Jill and Thomas Check the Instructions

Jill and Thomas read the instructions for the Detour.
Rating: Unrated

Jill and Thomas Read Their Clue

After Thomas finishes the Roadblock, the pair read their next clue.
Rating: Unrated

Nat Studies the Food

Nat looks intently for a fake piece of food.
Rating: Unrated

Nick and Vicki Avoid Elimination

After a brutal leg, Nick and Vicki get the good news that they have not been eliminated.
Rating: Unrated

Nick and Vicki Board a Boat

Nick and Vicki board a boat for the Detour.
Rating: Unrated

Thomas Studies the Food

Thomas searches for a fake piece of food during the Roadblock.
Rating: Unrated

Brook Checks Out a Soldier

Brook checks a soldier's headband during the Roadblock.
Rating: Unrated

Brook Waits For Claire

Brook waits for Claire to finish her lap during the Detour.
Rating: Unrated

Claire and Brook Read Their Clue

After completing the Roadblock, Claire and Brook read their clue.
Rating: Unrated

Claire and Brook Sit in a Humvee

Claire and Brook get transported through the demilitarized zone in a humvee.
Rating: Unrated

Claire and Brook White Water Raft

Claire and Brook enjoy white water rafting in South Korea.
Rating: Unrated