Penny is Stuck with Sheldon

When Raj, Wolowitz and Leonard ignore Penny in even her hot little dress in favor of the new neighbor, Penny is stuck with hanging out with Sheldon.

Leonard Asks Alicia

Leonard asks Alicia (Valerie Azlynn) the all important question when installing her DVD player... would you like it to default to Dolby Digital or DTS?

Raj Talks to Alicia

After a little liquid courage, Raj attempts to talk to their new beautiful neighbor, Alicia (Valerie Azlynn).

Raj, Leonard and Wolowitz Help

For some reason, Raj, Leonard and Wolowitz join Sheldon in helping Penny manufacture 1000 Penny Blossoms. The things a nerd will do for a pretty girl.

Sheldon and Penny Make Berets

Sheldon and Penny sit down and sing a sea shanty as they make Penny Blossoms (Penny's hair berets). You have to hear / see it to belive it.

Leonard Plays Laser Obstacle Chess

Leonard plays laser obstacle chess with the guys. What is laser obstacle chess? Glad you asked. You must avoid the lasers in order to make your next move.

Wolowitz and Summer Glau

Wolowitz takes a picture of himself with Summer Glau for his facebook profile. Poor Summer. I bet she wishes she took the plane.

Penny and Leonard Discover Paint!

Penny and Leonard discover paint in Sheldon's spot on the couch after the gang plays paintball in next week's episode of The Big Bang Theory, "The Cushion Saturation."

Sheldon Lost His Seat

The gang eats Chinese food and Sheldon has nowhere to sit when his cushion seat is covered in paintball goo. We feel for your pain Sheldon.

Sheldon and Penny at the Cleaners

Sheldon and Penny head to the cleaners to try and get a paint stain out of his couch cushion. We highly doubt that's going to work.

Sheldon is Horrified

Sheldon is horrified when he finds a paint stain on his couch on next week's episode. Penny is going to get into some serious trouble for this!

Wolowitz and Winkle!

Howard Wolowitz and Leslie Winkle do the nasty on next week's episode of The Big Bang Theory, "The Cushion Saturation." Really Wolowitz, Leonard's ex? That's not cool, even for you.

TBBT Quotes

Oh, Bernadette, please play my clarinet.

Raj's poem

Sheldon: I'll have a diet Coke.
Penny: Can you please order a cocktail? I need to practice mixing drinks.
Sheldon: Fine... I'll have a virgin Cuba Libre.
Penny: That's... rum and Coke without the rum.
Sheldon: Yes, and would you make it diet?