Chelsea Convinces Charlie

Chelsea manages to use her powers as a woman to convince Charlie to let Alan's girlfriend, Melissa, move into the house.

Whipped by the Third Generation

Just when Alan and Charlie think they have their house back, they realized they're whipped by the third generation... Jake and his girlfriend, Celeste.

Evelyn and Her Sons

Evelyn comes by to do a huge favor and help her sons, Charlie and Alan restore the balance of power in their home. They sold their souls.

Evelyn Visits the Ladies

At the request of Alan and Charlie, their mother Evelyn comes by to visit the ladies... and Berta in last night's Two and a Half Men.

Alan, Melissa, and Danny

Creepily, Danny the dummy came back in this episode as Alan and Melissa throw a party when Chelsea and Charlie head out.

Two and a Half Men Season 7 Episode 2 Quotes

Alan: You missed Easter last year
Charlie: So that's how I woke up with a Cadbury egg melted in my shorts?
Alan: Sadly, no

Charlie: You're telling me that I've missed her coming and going every time?
Alan: To be fair you do have an erratic sleep schedule and that doesn't even count the blackouts