Shane on the Couch

Poor Shane is sent away to sleep on the couch at his Aunt Jill's house only to watch her hook up with Andy. Awkward.

Andy and Jill Bond

Andy and Nancy's sister, Jill, bond over a couple bottles of wine and their mutual feelings of being underappreciated.

Jill and Andy

Jennifer Jason Leigh guest stars on this episode of Weeds. Her character, Jill, is seen here with Andy.

Silas Botwin Photo

It's official: Silas has lost all respect for his mother. But you can't really blame him, can you?

Weeds Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Nancy: You're religious?
Cesar: Selectively
Nancy: Right, the whole thou shalt not kill thing probably isn't work out that well for you, huh?
Cesar: and I support gay marriage

Nancy: If something happens to me, you'll take care of this for Silas and Shane
Dean: If something happens? Where you going, skydiving?
Nancy: None of your business. Just make sure it all gets taken care of. I'm counting on you
Dean: Out of curiousity and of coruse self image, why me?
Nancy: Cause I trust you. Cause you're a parent. Cause you're the only person i could find on such short notice