Forbes March, As the World Turns

Welcome to As the World Turns, Forbes March. The actor is seen here, dressed as his character of Professor Mason.

Professor Mason

Forbes March made the move from One Life to Live to As the World Turns in 2009. Here's a look at the actor in his new role of Professor Mason.

Marching On

Forbes March has the perfect soap opera name, doesn't he? It's like he was born to star on All My Children.


Here's a photo of Forbes March. This One Life to Live star easily has the best soap opera name in the business.

Forbes March Image

How good looking is Forbes March?!? The answer: very, very good looking.

Forbes March Pic

Here's an image of Forbes March, looking great.

Forbes March Picture

Forbes March is black, white and gorgeous in this photo. He stars on One Life to Live.

Forbes March Photo

Forbes March starred for a long time on One Life to Live. In July of 2009, he was off to As the World Turns.

Forbes March Photograph

Forbes March just has the name and look of a soap opera star, doesn't he?

One Life To Live Quotes

Antonio: What would you call that, Jessica?
Jessica: Doing what I have to do. Mitch has hurt my family in every way possible and I want to make sure that not only does he pay, that he never hurts my family again.
Antonio: Oh yeah? Well, not tonight you're not.

Natalie: Everything's going to be fine, guys. Just - just do what he says.
Flash: How can you be so calm?
Natalie: I don't know if I am calm, okay? I just - I've been through worse.
Flash: Yeah? Like what?
Natalie: Oh, like being strapped to a table and your grandfather ready to cut your heart out.
Flash: Oh. Yeah, you got me beat, then. Never mind