The Elders

An Entertainment Weekly shot of the elders on 90210. Rob Estes, Lori Loughlin and Jessica Walter are pictured.

Rob Estes Pic

Years after a starring role on Melrose Place, Rob Estes is back on a primetime soap opera. He plays Harry Wilson on 90210.

Rob Estes Photo

Rob Estes has a long history on dramatic television. He starred years ago on Melrose Place.

Rob Estes Picture

Rob Estes smiles, and plays around, for cameras at the 90210 premiere party in August of 2008. This veteran actor plays Harry Mills on the show.

Rob Estes Image

Rob Estes must love his primetime soap operas. He started on Melrose Place and now appears on 90210.


The emotions and the issues are very real... these characters have real layers that will all peel away very, very slowly.

Shenae Grimes

It's not a mom and dad who are home eating bon bons. It's a couple who's f%$k!

Rob Estes