Joe and Neal in the kitchen - Special Ops: Lioness Season 1 Episode 1

Zoe Saldana as Joe and Dave Annabel as Neal in Special Ops: Lioness, episode 1, season 1, streaming on Paramount+, 2023.
Rating: 2.0 / 5.0

Secret Santa

TVF members share what they would give their favorite characters for Secret Santa.
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

Coming-of-age TV shows

List of must-see coming-of-age Netflix TV originals.
Rating: 1.0 / 5.0

Cruz arrives - Special Ops: Lioness

Laysla De Oliveira as Cruz Manuelos In Special Ops: Lioness, episode 1, season 1, streaming on Paramount+
Rating: Unrated

Tucker patrols the area - Special Ops: Lioness

LaMonica Garrett as Tucker in Special Ops: Lioness, episode 3, season 1, streaming on Paramount+, 2023
Rating: Unrated

Jaw Dropping Cliffhangers 2023

Wow! Several shows left off in a place that'll keep us talking all summer long -- once we get our jaws up from off the floor.
Rating: Unrated

Ali is Redcoat

Or, Ali is one of the redcoats. She saved the girls from a fire and revealed her face fleetingly, pointing their love/hate relationship more toward love, than hate.
Rating: Unrated

Kate and Charlie question their parents - Special Ops: Lioness Season 1 Episode 1

Hannah Love Lanier as Kate and Celestina Harris as Charlie in Special Ops: Lioness, episode 1, season 1, streaming on Paramount+, 2023.
Rating: Unrated