Xx nicole


-laughs at things that aren't even funny -gets hurt easily -has a lot of typos (; -loves her friends more than ANYTHING in the world (ed westwick's an exception) -gets obsessed with things really easily -XD (guys, movies, songs etc.)

i really, haha, could say a million different things on here. basically, if you know me, the REAL me ~ you know what I’m like (; for the people that think you know me and say…horrible stuff, please get a life =) my advice from what I’ve learnt is, unless you’re in taiwan, being nice doesnt get you anywhere. being different doesnt get you anywhere as well. but for the people that are, DONT EVER CHANGE(: be hated for who you are, that loved for who you’re not. because most of the time.. people only hate you cause they wish they were you & cause true friends would never ever want you to change anyways(;

**Life’s a game…play along!

**Life your life; Smile, laugh, have fun! That’s what life’s about and whatever you do: DON’T LOOK BACK.

**Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay – it’s not the end.

**The only things you should regret in life are the things you never did.

**Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll still be among the stars!

Much love,

♥♥Nicole xxxxxx

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