Michael: I was thinking you and I should maybe go play a little catch. You know, maybe go for a run, do some guy stuff.
George Michael: But we're not good at that stuff.

Sean: Why is everything so much easier with dolphins?
Elliot: Because you're not trying to date a dolphin.
Sean: No, well, not after that big talk they gave us.

Garcia: I have to go see and him. Please. I can't talk to Sam about this, you have to have my back.
Morgan: No. I don't have your back. He is a murderer. He's scum. He tried to kill you. Wake up. Let me know when you're done washing his feet.

For so long, Ciara's been my whole life. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do without her. How am I supposed to fill those long days?


Bell: That is an intact turkey wishbone.
Mina: How do you swallow a wishbone whole? 

Bonnie: I just wanted a family.
Laurel: Me too.

Evan: Why don't you just summon the apparitions?
Divya: Okay, why are you asking me?
Evan: Because you're Indian. Maybe some of the rituals translate, right?
Divya: Wait a second. You think that Hinduism and Wicca are overlapping ideologies?
Evan: I'm just thinkin' outside the box.
Divya: You're a bloody neanderthal.

Elizabeth: Is this what I think it is?
Henry: Yeah. Booty caller strikes again. You think we should talk to her?
Elizabeth: That's your funeral.

I'm a little confused, because at first its like, all "Kissy Kissy." And then its like, all regret because "Oh, I regret that. But, wait. I'm still gonna call you. But-- But! We're just gonna talk business. And I may come down there and fire you if you don't do your job." But what were we talking about when we first kissed? Business.


For the record, I respect your gangster. You're a good mother.

Thristy [to Cookie]

MEREDITH: "Lip gloss. I wore my new lip gloss because my ex-boyfriend's wife looks like Isabella freaking Rossellini and I'm like, me. I'm trying to outdo her when she's the victim here. How crazy is that?"
GEORGE: "It's not that crazy, you know... smart. Lip gloss prevents chapped lips. You... was that ex-boyfriend?"
MEREDITH: "I am an evil mistress."
GEORGE: "But still... you look nice."

Zoe: Sir, I need you to take the helm, please. I need this man to tear all my clothes off.
Wash: Work, work...