[as we see Sam having a heart-to-heart with his little dog] Her ex-husband, Sam, is an internist. You wish you had his people skills.

[as we see Cooper chained to the bed] Cooper, a pediatrician, one of the best in his field. A pro.

[to Richard] And Pete, he does alternative medicine. As a surgeon, I don't believe in that kind of thing, but the man is a healer.

Richard: You dance in your underwear?
Addison: Maybe I'll dance naked!

I am changing my life. Now I can walk away angry or I can walk away with your blessing.

Addison: You didn't tell them you hired me.
Naomi: Oh, they'll get over it.

Violet: You'll have Dell.
Naomi: He's studying to be a midwife.
Addison: The cute boy who answers the phone?

Addison: Do you know how many babies I deliver a day?
Naomi: Well, here you'll be lucky if you deliver one.
Addison: One patient the entire day?

Cooper: Uh, we need to talk to you.
Addison: I'm just gonna go some...
Naomi: No, stay. She is staying.

Addison: I'm a world-class neonatal surgeon. And I'm here to stay. Welcome to the new Oceanside wellness.
Naomi: That's why I didn't tell you she was coming.

If I hadn't been here today, if you'd had someone else, that girl would've died delivering her baby. I saved her life. I saved your asses!

Naomi: Plus you'll have Pete. Laboring moms love Pete.
Addison: The alternative medicine guru?

Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches