Jealousy uses a lot more energy.

You're like the boy who cried wolf too many times.

Ricky: Ben doesn't hate me. He's my friend. Why would he hate me?
Adrian: Are you kidding? You just married the woman he loves.

It gets old being with the same person all the time.

You're not gonna play that religious card again are you?

Grace: I can't really talk right now.
Adrian: Yeah you can, Amy and Ricky eloped!

You know Ben, he likes us bad girls.

Do you know what the hell I went through to graduate high school?

There's just no voice for the LMNOP community.

People talking about me being gay is like people talking about Ricky being gay.

Just because you were thinking about something doesn't mean you were ever really going to do it.

Please don't tell me you're transferring schools to be with that pot smoking skank!