Radcliffe took something from me too. Her name is Melinda May, and she means everything to me.

Coulson [to Agnes]

I'll mark you down as shocked, but not surprised. Which is surprising.

Coulson [to Agnes]

It's not easy to find your place when you're working with heroes and gods.

Coulson [to Director Mace]

LMD May: Today wasn't great.
Coulson: Cauliflower isn't great. Today was a kick in the balls.

You know that saying. If a jet crashes in the woods and there's no one around to hear it, you stay close to the guy with super strength.

There they go again with the world's most conspicuous briefcase.

Director Mace: In case you haven't noticed, Phil, we're not a team that trusts. We're not a team at all.
Coulson: You may be right. But we better become one if we're going to stop Eli Morrow from blowing up half of Los Angeles.

Coulson: When this is over, it's time. We're cracking that bottle.
May: You won't have to twist my arm.
Coulson: I wouldn't dare. You'd whip my ass.

I ran an illegal spy agency using powered operatives on American soil. Do you think the President loves that about me?

Coulson [to Fitz]

Got any hell-demon tricks up your sleeve?

Coulson [to Robbie]

The skull on fire presents a pretty compelling argument for "Hail Satan."

Coulson [on Ghost Rider]

Geese? I have zero geese. We are goose-free.

Coulson [to Director Mace]

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.