No, it's my father. He's really sick. He's really sick. He just told me last night.

My detectives just found three underage boys living at your house. Half naked.

Sir, I've had a terrible day. I'm anxious, I'm stressed and I'm a little shaky, so if you don't drop your gun right now, I'm gonna put a bullet through your head. Are we clear?

Brenda: David, I want you to be careful here, not start a shootin' match.
Gabriel: I'm with you on that.

Gavin: Sooo, you didn't give the suspect the gun he shot himself with, did you?
Brenda: Gavin, that's not funny.
Gavin: You know what else isn't funny? You have another in custody death without notifying your attorney.

You've made a lot of bad choices today. Don't let this be one of 'em.

Brenda: It still says I didn't care about what happened to Turell Baylor.
Raydor: That's okay, nobody cared about him until he died.

Brenda: Lieutenant, do you wanna carry plaster up the mountain or talk to the family with me?
Provenza: Bye everyone!

Brenda: You see Turrell Baylor in hell, you ask him what I wouldn't dare to do.
Gavin: Oh my God.
Taylor: She doesn't mean it, Gav. Baylor's cost her a lot of grief. If she can get a little mileage out of him, why not.

Look, the last time I failed to prevent a murder, we got sued. You really want to go through that again?

Brenda: Captain Raydor?
Raydor: Chief Johnson?
Brenda: I have a complaint.
Raydor: When have you not?

Gabriel: Man, I hate being in here.
Brenda: Without a gun, too.

The Closer Quotes

[To Sgt. Gabriel] I should probably explain that I do not form my relationships with people based on how they're treating you. That would be your mother, maybe.


If I liked being called a bitch to my face, I'd still be married.
