Santana: I wanna talk about the thing that we never talk about.
Brittany: That Sour Patch Kids are just Gummy Bears that turned to drugs?

Joe is really pretty, but I heard she doesn't shave her armpits.

Sue: Brittany, you're off the Cheerios.
Brittany: Tough love feels a lot like mean.

Artie: I mean, it's no secret that a woman loves a man in power, and don't take this personally, but before I graduate I would like to have a relationship that lasts longer than a couple weeks.
Brittany: Why would I take that personally?
Artie: You and I dated.
Brittany: We did?

Last year I left my stocking up over Christmas vacation and an entire family of mice starting living in it. Their Christmas gift to each other was rabies.

I'm going to go to prom by myself and really work on me and dance with other people's dates.

Brittany: Of course not.
Finn: You're not quitting New Directions?
Brittany: Oh, I thought you meant the Selena Gomez pregnancy rumors.

Lord Tubbington is allowed to eat cheese because he's on Atkins.

Rachel Berry is still on Myspace.

You cannot call your future president an "idiot." It's mean, it's bullying and I won't accept it.

Artie: I thought I was over someone, but I still think I have feelings for them.
Brittany: The Clintons?

This is really confusing because this is a chicken's house.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
