Mark: Woah.
Callie: Man versus bus.
Mark: Bus won.
Callie: Check out the left arm.
Meredith: He's crashing again.
Derek: What have we got?
Mark: We've got road kill.
Owen: Do you mind. He stepped out in front of a moving bus so could save a woman, he's a hero.
Callie: Can you fix the arm?
Mark: His fingers are already blue, if it's gonna happen... it's gotta happen in the next few hours.
Derek: Pupils blown, stop CPR. Ok, give me a cranial drill please. Grey, wanna practice your burr holes? (Mer nods her head) Stabilize his neck please. 10 blade. Take the drill. Ok, go in slowly, and when you feel it grab stop. Because otherwise you're gonna be hitting the brain. Ok, lets go, quickly.
Owen: Nice work Dr. Grey.
Mark: I'm gonna go get some bassi trays for that face.
Derek: Get his head rotated. Easy.
Meredith: Welcome back Sir, you had us worried there for a minute.

Bailey: You ok?
Callie: I cut off a healthy leg. I just cut it off. It was for the patients own good, but still, I feel like a butcher.
Swinder: My miracle case is on life support. I thought I had one. One miracle. I hate this job sometimes.
Callie: I don't know why we do this.
Bailey: Come on, come with me.
Callie: Ok, what are we doing here?
Bailey: We came to see that (they look at Arizona's patient that got better)
Swinder: What?
Bailey: The joy. It comes around rarely, so rarely we forget it can happen. But that, that's why we do this. The joy.

Arizona: I just want you to know that I am hurt. I am hurt, and I am angry. Because, I thought that we had something. I thought that we were going somewhere. And, if you're just sleeping around. If you're just making the rounds on girl surgeons, then I think you oughtta know that I...
Callie: We went to a fancy restaurant.
Arizona: What?
Callie: We went to a fancy restaurant, the nicest in Seattle. The salad that I ordered, the salad cost $26.95. The wine that you ordered cost $125 a bottle. I didn't even look at the entrees because I knew I wasn't gonna be able to order one. Because, I was already out 75 bucks, and I don't even like salad.
Arizona: Oh.
Callie: And, then the bill came and you...
Arizona: I paid.
Callie: Do you know what I was doing before they brought over the check? I was counting in my head, trying to figure out how I was going to buy food for the rest of the week if my half was 75 bucks, because I don't have 75 bucks, because my father disowned me. And, has cleared out my bank account. I am broke, and I am exhausted Arizona. I'm working in the ER because I need the money. 6 people died on my watch today and I am fried. I wanted to stay in last night. I thought, I thought that last night would be the night for us. You know? Our night. But, you wanted to go to a fancy restaurant. I can't do that. I can't.
Arizona: It's ok. It's ok. Hey, so, we'll stay in, and we'll eat sandwiches.
Callie: You don't even like sandwiches.
Arizona: But, I like the girl who has the sandwiches. Ok?
Callie: Ok. No, you know what... I don't like sandwiches either. I like pizza.
Arizona: I like pizza too.

Callie: Oh for the love...
Arizona: So the ER's fun but I'm not?
Callie: Arizona.
Arizona: Wait, you can get enough of me. I mean, is that what you're saying? Do you just wanna end this? Because, because, there are women that are lining up for me. I am hot! And, if you want out then you should just have the guts to say so. I can take it! Maybe this was just a fling that's run it's course. Ok, maybe it's over.
Callie: Maybe it is.

NO! WE ARE CLOSED TO TRAUMA! Because we have trauma coming out of our butts! OH, well HAVE A NICE DAY TO YOU TOO!

Mark: I'm thinking I'll toast to the fact that they found each other. It doesn't bring up the past, it doesn't bring up the future. It doesn't talk about whether they'll make it. It's good right?
Callie: Mhmm.
Arizona: You said you were tired... exhausted. But, you can't be that exhausted if you're working in the ER on your day off.
Callie: I rallied.
Arizona: You rallied.
Callie: Yeah.
Arizona: You're lying.
Callie: No I'm not lying, I love the ER. (Picks up phone) Can you hold please? Thanks.
Arizona: You love the ER?
Callie: I can't get enough of it, it's fun.
Mark: You should tell her.
Callie: Yeah. Suck it Mark. Hey! We need more blood in trauma 2. GO!

Arizona: What went wrong last night?
Callie: Ah, I'm kinda busy here Arizona.
Arizona: I have 4 surgeries back to back, and a kid on life support. I'm kinda busy too. What went wrong?
Callie: Hey! That's not any better! Put him in the hall.
Arizona: We went out. To a 4 star restaurant, best in Seattle. It was supposed to be fun. Romantic. But, then you ordered a salad when they make the most delicious french food. Then you picked at it, barely spoke to me, and then bolted. So, what went wrong? I mean, did I do something?
Callie: I just wasn't feeling it, I was exhausted. Tired, sorry. HEY! I SAID THE HALL! The hall!

Callie: (on the phone) Yes or no? I need a yes or a no!
Mark: Hey.
Callie: Ok, I'll be here waiting!
Mark: You think Shepherd and Grey are gonna last? Like ah, 50 years last?
Callie: A semi, crashed into a bunch of college kids. On a day that I decided to take an extra shift in the ER. (on the phone) OH GREAT! THANK YOU! (slams phone) There's burns, digit amputations, nasty nasty facial lacerations. So, please don't anywhere, ok?
Mark: Relax.
Callie: You promise?
Mark: You're handling this.
Callie: I am handling... HEY! You can't put him here! I have doctors that need access!

George: How's Izzie?
Alex: Good.
George: Is her BP stable? If she's hypotensive she really shouldn't go to the wedding.
Alex: You let me worry about Izzie.
George: Alright. Do you have anything for us?
Alex: Anything good?
Callie: Nope. It's slow.
Alex: You don't say it's a slow day in the pit.
George: You never say it's slow! You just jinxed us.
Callie: It's a day, and it's slow.
Alex: Well, when that phone starts ringing with trauma's, you're gonna wish you hadn't said that.
Callie: (laughing) The phones not gonna ring, it's a slow day. (The phone rings) Go for seattle grace emergency.
George: I'll get the trauma gowns.
Callie: CRAP! CRAP CRAP! Incoming!

Cristina: You slept here?
Callie: I'm awake. What?
Cristina: You slept here? I slept here!
Callie: Um, how? Wait... who? What?
Cristina: I slept in the on call room.
Callie: Oh.
Cristina: I could have been at home in my own bed.
Callie: Sorry.
Cristina: Now I have to work all day, and then I have to be happy maid of honour and get Meredith down the aisle. I'm so tired, 'cause I slept here! 'Cause you wanted to get your freak on with roller skate girl.
Callie: I am sorry. I was gonna, but, we went to dinner and, things didn't... I wasn't in the mood. I had to be here early anyway, to run the ER, so...
Cristina: Oh, you're picking up extra shifts in the ER? So is ah, is Owen not here today?
Callie: Ah, he's here. Oh crap! I'm late. Hey.
Meredith: Hey.
Cristina: BIG DAY! Biggest day of your life!
Meredith: Don't do that! Don't do the peppy maid of honour thing, it's creepy!
Cristina: Really? Good. Wait... is this like the calm before the storm? Do you need me to drug you? Or shave of your eyebrows to numb you into submission?
Meredith: No! I'm fine. It's not the biggest day of my life. It's the biggest day of Izzie's life. I'm excited about the marriage, not some wedding. Anyway, she's the one that's gone all bridezilla.
Cristina: Briiiideeezillaaaaaaaaa...

Mark: Tree girl made it through?
Callie: I can't lie. Even if they think I'm wrong. Even if they don't understand. Even if they think I'm crazy. I'm me. They're supposed to accept me. They're supposed to support me. They're supposed to love me. You know? I can't lie.

Callie: Come on Willow. You can do this. You lived in a tree, you crapped in a bucket, you can do this.
Arizona: She crapped in a bucket?
Callie: What are you doing here?
Arizona: Saw it on the board. Never seen an intermodulary rod put into a femur before. So, bucket?
Callie: Yeah. Bucket on a pulley. She's ah, up in the tree right. So, she lowers the crap bucket to a friend, everyday, who empties it, cleans it, puts food it, and sends it back up the tree.
Arizona: Oh, that's friendship. Oh.
Callie: Yeah.
Arizona: You know they teach us in MED school how not to care so much. We drape the patient's so we don't see their faces, we do a thousand different things to care a little less. You care like crazy, and I love that. And I'll keep loving that even if you decide to lie to your family.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
