Brody: Will you visit me in prison?
Carrie: I'll probably be in the cell next to you.

Carrie: You're never gonna leave this country alive.
Nazir: I know, and I don't care.

If you're asking 'did he outsmart me?' Yes he did.

Carrie: I'm not going to jail.
Guy: It seems to me you're already there.

Something's going on. None of this makes sense.

Where the fuck is Saul?

Here at the Agency we call that recruiting.

Brody made it across.

He made it. And you, Saul, are still in the game.

Carrie: You were given a directive to help me in any way I request or require.
John: That doesn't give you the right to breeze in here and take a dump on my station.
Carrie: My station. And either you comply or I'll have the marines swing in here and put you on a plane to take you home.

Carrie: She was your fiancee?
Saul: For about two minutes a hundred years ago.

It fucked me up...being wrong about Brody. It fucked me up.

Homeland Quotes

Carrie: I missed something once before. I won't, I can't let that happen again.
Saul: It was ten years ago. Everyone missed something that day.
Carrie: Everyone's not me.

Carrie: Because Abu Nazir is playing the long game. This way no one expects a thing.
Saul: Except you?
Carrie: Except me.