Zeek: We are his grandparents too, we have a say in it.
Crosby: Well, I'm his dad and I don't have a say in it.
Zeek: Oh I see, well your balls will still be here when you get back.
Jabbar: What balls?

Adam: You want my advice, step one apologize to Renee.
Crosby: For what, I didn't do anything.
Adam: It's just, you know what, you're a man. It's just what men do. We apologize. I say three I'm sorrys before I get out of bed in the morning.

Jabar is going to get into a great school - I promise.

Rene: You go to church?
Crosby: Oh yeah, the Bravermans have a very rich spiritual lineage. We're ah, 4/10th Jewish, vaguely Catholic, and I'm told 1/16th Cherokee even, and we had a communist atheist grandpa.

(to Jasmine) He's totally getting into that school. They might even name the gymnasium after us.

Crosby: Well that was disappointing. Well that was a non event.
Jasmine: Babe he's six and a boy, weddings aren't high on his list.

Jabbar: Should I go back to bed and make believe I didn't see you?
Crosby: Yes, that's a good plan.

Julia: Crosby I'm serious, I'm, I'm... you have to get the test. Yes, there are serious financial and legal ramifications.
Crosby: You know, sometimes you sound so much like a lawyer.

Crosby: What makes all of this worth it?
Adam: What makes it worth it is the connection, the bond you feel, their yours. You know, you're part of them.

It's not fair of you to hold a grudge against me for some crap your husband did years ago. I'm here for my son and I'm not going anywhere. You're going to have to deal with that.

Jasmine: You're cute.
Crosby: It's the motorcycle. Yeah, I'm just a six but with the motorcycle I'm an eight.

This is the worst Adam, sounds like Dr. Phil wrote this.

Parenthood Quotes

Mom, I'm on my feet I'm not destitute. I've just got a little financial trouble and two degenerate kids, but I'll be fine.


Max: Isn't the game today?
Adam: Well buddy I thought you were done with baseball.
Max: It's my team.
Adam: Games in 10 minutes everybody.

Parenthood Music

  Song Artist
On My Way Back Home Band of Horses iTunes
Song Smile Evil Twins
Well Runs Dry Peter Case iTunes