Well, it’s not like I was expecting a parade, but where’s my parade?

Damon: You telling me my brother is still stuck in here and you brought me out first?
Bonnie: That didn’t sound like even a glimmer of a thank you…

Mom, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. Give me a chance to make it right. Give me a chance to let you love me. Okay?

What happened to your Hero Hair campaign to protect Mystic Falls?

I have no desire to kill Caroline. I mean, not since the last time I tried. I think we can all agree that was a huge misunderstanding.

You made a wrong turn, brother. This isn’t some hell survivor support group.

Julian: You’ve driven away every soul who has ever cared for you.
Damon: I guess I’ll have to cuddle up next to the fire with all my rage.

Damon: Go ahead. Let it all out, Bonnie. I’m a vile cheater. I couldn’t even wait a year.
Bonnie: Are you kidding me? The last thing anyone wants to deal with for the next six decades is a cranky, bitter, sexless Damon Salvatore, okay?

Enzo? Remember Thanksgiving in 1953? We were locked up and I told you I was thankful for you through that little hole in the wall. I take that back.

Huh. You know? You look a lot like my girlfriend and her three doppelgängers.

Doubtful. We only go to New Orleans for crappy booze and Klaus blood.

Rayna: What’s next? It puts the lotion in the basket?
Damon: It wouldn’t have to if it just stayed dead.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...


Damon: My new girlfriend. Andie Starr. Action News.
Alaric: It's not called Action News.
Damon: I know. I like just saying it.