Dave: Whore's bath?
Penny: Ah yeah David, I did take a whore's bath okay? I had a one night stand and didn't have time to shower so did I rub some dryer sheets on my pits and throw some water on my hush at Au Bon Pain? Yes I did.

Dave: Alex and Dave, much like Dave's new haircut are keeping it cazsh.
Alex: Trust us the last thing we want is for things to get complicated like in It's Complicated, so we're just gonna go with it like in Just Go With It and be friends with benefits like in No Strings Attached.

I call it the boxer thong, business up front, party in the rear.

Jane: A summer birthday really matches my easy breezy vibe.
Dave: Easy breezy vibe? I thought you had more of a dead of winter, girl with the dragon tattoo, Sarsgaard Murderhouse vibe.

Alex: Well as long as Dave doesn't bring someone from Degrassi junior high again, I'm sure we'll be alright.
Dave: Hey if Degrassi's on the field, play ball. Am I right? Sorry proud of the wordplay, not the message.

Dave: You guys wouldn't understand, neither of your ancestors were at the first Thanksgiving
Jane: Ok, neither were the Navajo.
Dave: One of our many snubs.

The point is I gotta be a man and stand up for myself on my own with you guys behind me. Brad maybe you more towards the front perhaps wearing some Raiders gear.

Why do I always have to be LaToya?

Wow, that's what 275 pounds of lonely looks like.

Max: I wouldn't say we spend that much time together, I mean just breakfast 4 or 5 times a week before work.
Dave: And drinks during the day most days, not everyday but definitely every evening.
Penny: And sure we always deliver news in person.

Max: You should watch the gay history channel.
Dave: That's a real thing?
Derek: Yeah it's called Bravo.

If I don't show up with a sack of clams I'm gonna look like a real dope!

Happy Endings Quotes

You're sweating on my bruschetta.

Jane [to Brad]

The weird part is, now that I have a guy, everybody wants to set me up. Oh I know Al! I should hook you up with one of my "extras."
