I didn't grow up in the Cosby family.

Dixon: The only way to get over a girl is to get a new girl.
Navid: Hell to the YES!

Annie: Screw you, Dixon!
Dixon: Screw you, too, Annie.

You reach deeper until you can find the strength. That's all life is, one big fight after another.

Dixon: Navid, my friend, I am living the dream.
Navid: Dixon, my friend, you are living a lie.

Dixon: You're dad's a fool.
Ivy: Whatever.
Dixon: Not whatever. He's a fool.

Ivy: You're crazy, Dixon.
Dixon: Crazy about you.

Dixon: No lies. Just you, and me, and half sausage, half pepperoni.
Sasha: Get lost.

Dixon [to Teddy]: Aren't you supposed to be Roger Federer or something?
Teddy: More like Nadal.

Me and Annie are doing our own thing now. I'm done dealing with her crap.

This is Johnny Ramone? I thought it was Howard Stern.

I feel free. New year. New Dixon.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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