Don: When I saw you sleeping there, I thought, I couldn't imagine not seeing you there every morning. Will you marry me?
Megan: I don't know what to say. This is all so fast.
Don: Did you ever think about the number of things that had to happen for me to get to know you? But everything happened, and it got me here. What does that mean?
Megan: I can't believe this. Yes! Yes!

I don't know what it is about you, but I feel like myself when I'm with you. But the way I always wanted to feel, because I'm in love with you Megan, and I think I have been for a while.

Don: You don't know anything about me.
Megan: But I do. I know that you have a good heart. And I know that you're always trying to be better.
Don: We all try. We don't always make it. I've done a lot of things.
Megan: I know who you are now.

Sally: Who's Dick?
Don: Well... that's me. That's my nickname sometimes.

You said you didn't have any experience and you're like Maria Von Trapp.

Peggy: You always say, if you don't like what they're saying about you, change the conversation.
Don: To what? What they're saying about us is true!

Heinz Guy: I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I don't know if your company will be here in six months.
Don: I do.

Faye: You're the most hireable man on Madison Avenue.
Don: I'm not at that point yet.

I can say with full confidence that the company is in a state of stability...even with this morning's news.


I just kept him. But now I think that's over.

Don: What's on this?
Sally: Mrs. Butterworth's.
Don: Go get it...That's rum, read labels.
Sally: Is it bad?
Don: Not really.

Faye: Are you sure?
Don: I would have my secretary do it, but she's dead.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
