Elizabeth: You just happened to have the will in your pocket?
Peter: Yeah, Eagle Scout, always be prepared.

Elizabeth: (To Neal) Why don't you just ask her out?
Peter: Good point. (To Neal) Do you think it will work?
Elizabeth: (Without hesitation) Yes!

Elizabeth: Mozzie, Neal...what are you two doing here?
Neal: Hey Elizabeth, is Satchmo free this afternoon?

Elizabeth: What do you think he was going to say?
Peter: I don't know.
Elizabeth: Do you think he was going to leave Kate?
Peter: I don't know. Doesn't matter.
Elizabeth: I think it matters.
Peter: Why, it's kind of a mute point now.
Elizabeth: It matters to you.

Peter: If I pull the strings - you think you could land the job?
Neal: Marketing - I could do marketing.

All that pent up animosity leads to sparks.

Neal: Espresso?
Peter: I've always liked espresso.
Neal: No more ugly FBI mugs for you. I think you missed your calling - tiny cup big office expensive suits.
Peter: Ugly mugs are fine.
Neal: Don't fight your instincts Peter - embrace your true self.

Mozzie: How often do you say thank you?
Neal: Sarcastically?

Or maybe you've been chasing him so long you don't know how to stop?

Peter: Tonight date night - don't be late.
Elizabeth: I wont.

Not everything has a secret meaning.

Elizabeth: Mozzie? What are you doing here?
Mozzie: Date night.