I thought if I lost Dixon, I wouldn't be able to breathe... and I can't breathe.

Kelly: Do you wanna journal?
Silver: No, I don't wanna journal, nor do I wanna use "journal" as a verb.

Don't sleep through your chance to take a chipmunk to homecoming


You look tired? Up all night, thinking about me?

Silver [to Dixon]

Will you have a baby with me, Teddy?

See ya around, Cheetah Girls. Try not to break a nail!

Silver: I'd ease up on the lip gloss a little bit.
Naomi: Oh, be quiet, I look fantastic.

Naomi: Okay guys, we have to focus. We have to work to do here. I am officially on the quest for the perfect LSD.
Silver: No, no.
Annie: I'm sorry, LSD?
Naomi: Every girl must have the perfect little sequent dress. The LSD is the most important element to a girl's wardrobe because boys like shiny things. They're kind of like babies in that regard.
Annie: Or like trout.
Naomi: True, Liam is totally a trout.

Annie, do not engage the scary blonde chick.

I love your eyes. And I love you.

Silver: How long you been sleeping?
Dixon: I don't know, I was asleep.

It's chic to look post-rehab, didn't you know?


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
