He assumes I know more scripture than I do so I always have to look stuff up to find out what the advice actually was.

Frank: Battle for Peace is an oxymoron.
Garrett: Emphasis on moron.

Only a fool seeks peace by inciting violence.

That flag that you consider a prop and a stunt has draped the coffins of Americans who died to give you the right to ignore that sacrifice. You're spitting on their graves.

Do good work. Come back safe.

Mayor Poole: Sorry to keep you waiting, Frank.
Frank: It's what we do, you and I.

Garrett: You'll play nice?
Frank: Right up until nice doesn't work.

It's hard to do the right thing when you don't know what the right thing to do is.

I can tell you what the Irish in me truly dreads, ultimatums delivered in British accents.

Not nice is not grounds for a justifiable homicide.

Some mistakes time erases and some it does not.

Effort does not guarantee outcome.