Your ghost is going to see some disgusting stuff.

Wow, an old white lady yelling at me while wearing microwaveable socks. This is so different than living with my mom.

I saw it because it's on a compilation DVD I have of fat ladies crying.

I guess I'll get one of those throat radios and you'll be buried in a piano crate. Good night, Liz.

Oh, I'd like to pre-apologize for clogging your tub, sink, and toilet.

The whole thing was so confusing I ended up getting my own crappy gift back. Like I need two copies of Over 60 Vixens.

Some of them are sun tea and some of them ... were sun tea.

Frank: Has anyone looked at this sexual harassment stuff they gave us?
Tracy: I don't need to read it; the whole thing is loosely based on an evening I had with Isiah Thomas.

Frank: My god, He's mortal!
Lutz: What just happened!?

Frank: In Sicilian, [Rossitano] means 'well poisoner.'
Jack: In Gaelic, Donaghy means 'dung basket.'

I got a lot of irons in the fire.

Jenna: You know, I have to admit, I kinda like that Tracy Jordan is no longer the only movie star on TGS. Maybe I'll finally start getting some respect around here.
Frank: What's up, flabby butt? You look weird today... Hey Pete, you want to see a comic book with pregnant zombie nuns?
Pete: Yes, I do.