Why can't Chris do it? He's great with kids, especially when they're not really his.

Chris: I wish I could be more like you.
Gail: That goes without saying.

Dov: I think about you two all the time. That came out wrong.
Gail: You came out wrong.

Gail: Who is Duncan.
Dov: The new Rookie.
Gail: Oh, I've been calling him Jerald.

Now that I've told my brother, that juicy bit of news is going to spread like herpes.

We find Oliver. He makes a very dumb joke. Chloe gets out of the hospital, I make fun of her to her face.

It's the usual you know. My client's a great guy. He loves puppies. He's innocent.

Gail: Holly, I'm a police officer.
Holly: That doesn't mean you've got to go out there and put yourself in danger.
Gail: Yeah, it kind a does.

The king of the dorks has found his queen. The nerd empire can rejoice.

Dov: So what do you think? Flight or fight?
Gail: Neither. This guy looks like a weeper.

Oliver: Does this house look weird to you?
Gail: We're in suburbia. Every house looks weird to me.

You are the bad guy. You, Ms Perfect never hurt a fly McNally are the bad guy. And look at it, it's just killing you.

Rookie Blue Quotes

There is absolutely no training that prepares you for life on the street.

Staff Sgt. Boyko

First rookie out of their cuffs drinks for free. Everyone else pays.

Oliver Shaw