Will: Instead of asking him out, I went with insulting his songwriting.
Gunnar: Interesting choice.

Gunnar: You can't keep fighting it, Scarlett. Everything that just happened on that stage, the energy, the connection, you and me. It's all still there. I felt it, and I know you felt it too.
Scarlett: Well, as somebody once said to me, all I felt was music.

Gunnar: Wanna help me set up our band's Twitter profile?
Scarlett: We already have a Twitter profile?
Gunnar: Of course. We got to generate publicity. We just need a photo, that's all.
Scarlett: Why?
Gunnar: Well, if you don't upload a photo, then you're just an egg, and no one takes you seriously when you're just an egg.

Will: Yeah well, I'm not going to do it. I mean, the last thing I need is for people to see me around town with some swishy gay dude.
Gunnar: Did you seriously just say that?

Luke: I have to say it felt great to write that song.
Gunnar: Yeah.
Luke: You should try writing one of your own. Your first love sleeps with your brother. Gunnar, it doesn't get anymore country than that.

Will: How much y'all had to drink?
Luke: A lot. You know, we can use him as a wingman on a tail-hunting expedition. What y'all say to a boys night out?
Gunnar: Well I would if it were night.
Luke: Well that is the great thing about Nashville is it is always dark somewhere.

Gunnar: I'm not that confused, mixed up kid anymore.
Linda: No, now you're a confused, mixed up single father.

Zoey: It wouldn't be fair to make you choose.
Gunner: What are you saying?
Zoey: I'm choosing for you.

Gunner: What?
Will: I may not be an expert on women, but I know them well enough to know when they're pissed.

Avery: I always thought by the time I had kids, I'd have the whole deal. You know, wife, house, yard... grill.
Gunner: You have a good apartment.
Avery: I have a sad-dad apartment.

Gunnar: I saw her and Jeff Fordham sneak out of the screening at the BMI party last night.
Zoey: So they watched a movie?
Gunnar: Yeah only it was NC-17 and they were both starring in it!

Scarlett O'Connor has more talent than most of us dream about. She's the one who pulled the good music out of me. I owe her everything. You just called her a looney. You could take your deal and you can go shove it.

Nashville Quotes

Why can't they just give out the damn award already? Why do they have to throw so many parties?


What you're bailing on the party? Great that's one less person's feelings I have to tiptoe around all night.

Juliette [to Avery]