We are just gonna have to bring a little Kansas to Beverly Hills - and we are gonna have fun. Because it's all about family.

Harry: I'm the first to admit that I wasn't the greatest guy back then.
Debbie: I'm more concerned with the kind of guy you are now.

I'm trying to figure out when to be your principal and when to be your dad.

Tabitha: My damn computer froze up again.
Harry: What did you spill on it this time, Mom?
Tabitha: Scotch. I mean... iced tea.

Mrs. Clark and I went out for a bit back in high school.

Kelly Taylor: You know exactly what Beverly Hills people are like.
Harry: Exactly why I moved to Kansas.

Come on. This is gonna be fun. We got the weather, we got the palm trees, we got the... more palm trees.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
