Cristina: Hey, did you get my page? I got you the appointment. It's in like, 15 minutes. How amazing am I? It usually takes weeks to get in there. Ah, did you take a look at the research.
Izzie: Seriously. Can I just eat?
Cristina: No, I'm sorry you don't have time.
Alex: Time for what?
Izzie: There's... I... an enema.
Cristina: Ah, Izzie's enema.
Izzie: Yes, I was supposed to get an enema today, but I decided it can wait. How about we talk about something else?

Izzie: That's it. Both of you in the hall now! You really think that was ok? You think that was doctorly?
Mark: (to interns) Go find something else to do. What the hell is going on with you?
Izzie: They were making completely inappropriate jokes at the expense of the patient, right in front of him. I have been trying to teach them and, they were cruel and inappropriate.
Mark: Ok, they were inappropriate. You know what else is inappropriate? This. You. This case is my baby. I've spent 3 years planning for it and you and your emotional life are not about to piss all over it. You're off the case.
Izzie: No, he needs me in there with him. You can't leave him alone with those interns.
Mark: Ok, fine. You wanna be there for his feelings you can be there before and after the surgery. But you're not coming in my OR. Whatever's going on with you Stevens, you'd better get it under control.

Meredith: What are you doing here I told you I was fine.
Cristina: Oh god, you are so not fine.
Meredith: I'd be fine if I knew Derek was fine.
Izzie: You still haven't heart from him? Not a word?
Meredith: (shakes her head)

Alex: What are you hiding?
Izzie: Ah, nothing. It's just work stuff.
Alex: What is that? A cool surgery?
Izzie: No. It's nothing. It's nothing.
Alex: Well, whatever it is they're gonna pick me. I already flew solo. You're still on training wheels.

Alex: I know you like teaching and that's great, but you need to start treating real patients, with real surgeries. Because once they see you as weak, it's over. And Izz, you can be a great surgeon. We could be great together. You just, you gotta stop screwing around. Because I don't wanna be the future of this hospital if you're not there with me. Okay?
Izzie: Okay.
Alex: (walks away)
Izzie: ALEX!
Alex: What?
Izzie: (kisses him)

Alex: Iz! they said I could do the distal anastomosis on my own.
Izzie: That's awesome!
Alex: That's crazy. They just told me I could be the future of this hospital. That I'm the resident to watch. And that's... I mean... I'm not the kinda guy who. I don't rise okay, I sink to the bottom. And now I'm getting all this, all this respect. And you... you gotta, you gotta stop wasting all your time with this patient X crap.

Lexie: I learned a lot today. Diagnosing a patient from beginning to end. So, thank you for teaching us.
Izzie: What would you say? To patient X. How would you... How would you break the news?
Lexie: Um, I would say that I was very sorry, and that there were support groups. Th... I ... I don't know. What do you say to somebody whose, whose gonna...
Izzie: You say, they have a choice. They can runaway and hide from it, or they can face it. You say they need to be around the people who love them, because it's gonna be the toughest fight of their life, and no one should have to do it alone. And then you give them the odds. And even though a 5 percent survival rate is bad, it's really bad. You say.... you say....
Lexie: Screw the odds! People die of the hiccups. My mother died of the hiccups. Survival rate for that is what... 100 percent? The odds are that she should be alive right now. The odds are... The odds are crap! So people should face it and they should fight. Maybe not those words.
Izzie: No. Exactly those words. Thank you doctor Grey.

Izzie: Good job everybody.
Intern: That's it?
Intern: After the last contest, we got a prize.
Intern: Yeah, what's our prize?
Izzie: You think every time you diagnose a patient and hand someone a death sentence, there's a prize? The prize is, you didn't screw it up this time. The prize is, you people actually did something right. The prize is, you were doctors today. You were doctors. That is the prize!

Lexie: We have a diagnosis.
Izzie: Go ahead doctor Grey.
Lexie: Patient X. An elevated LDH was our only clue. And then we found out that she had enlarged lymph nodes, and a suspicious mole which was biopsied. Meanwhile, this MRI with contrasts showed a MET on her right temporal lobe. The biopsy reveled dividing cells. That coupled with further staging tests, lead to our final diagnosis of Metastatic Melanoma, with MET's to the liver, skin and brain.
Izzie: Your prognosis?
Lexie: With chemo, and radiation, um, a few months.
Intern: At best, girls pretty much toast.
Intern: Survival rate's 5 percent. If I were her, I'd go on a really good vacation.

Izzie: You read more journals and do more research, and log more hours in the skills lab than any other resident here. You never give up on trying to be a better doctor, and you don't step on other people to do it. I would be lucky to be the new you.
George: Are you gonna tell me about patient X?

Izzie: Maybe Cristina's right. Maybe trying to teach the interns is pointless.
George: Please, don't listen to Cristina. She thinks just because you'd rather teach then take out a gall bladder that you're the new me.
Izzie: Haha, O'Malley the sequel.
George: O'Malley 2.0.

Lexie: Ok well her SED rate is slightly elevated. Do we check for auto-immune disease?
Intern: Yeah, ANA and CRP were negative too. At worst she's got an anxiety disorder. The girl is totally fine!
Izzie: SHE IS NOT FINE! She had hallucinations. She had visual, auditory and tactile hallucinations about her dead fiance. She thought she could talk to him, and touch him. She's not fine. She's not fine. You're missing something. You're not looking in the right places. Go back and figure out what you're missing.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
