Jake: But maybe you’re not as big a bitch as you want everyone to think you are.
Sadie: No, I totally am.

Tamara: Whoa, back to the future much?
Jake: Yeah, well, I realized that the no effort had become to much effort.
Tamara: Okay, did Jake hire a swag coach?

Tamara: O M G, did you hear that?
Jake: Hear what?
Tamara: That's the sound of me not giving a flying f**k!

I ate a cookie but I didn't know it was from space!

Am I having a seizure or did some weird stuff just go down?

Jenna: Like Ricky, apparently he was working something out too.
Jake: More like rubbing it out. What's with the latent fixation on boobs?
Jenna: It's not latent it's blatant.

You can't even cook a pop-tart Bro.

Matty: Can I borrow your thong?
Jake: Only if you hand wash it.

Jake: What color's your dress?
Jenna: Not peach.

Awkward Quotes

Jenna: This year would be my year. For once I wouldn't be overlooked not with Matty at my... backdoor!
Matty: Oh sorry, I slipped.

For 15 years I fantasized about everyone noticing me as I walked down the hall. What would I be wearing? Would every guy worship me? Would I be five inches taller and have porn tits? No, that was not my reality. My moment in the spotlight sucked some serious ass.
