Diggle: You know I was just about to make my move on her. I didn't need one of your trick arrows getting in the way.
Oliver: I couldn't risk it. Where would I be without my black driver.

Oliver: I got wrapped up in my own suffering and I forgot that some other people might be suffering, too.
Diggle: You know, we're getting dangerously close to hug territory, so I'm gonna fall back.

Oliver, what I would like to know is what you were doing at Laurel's office in the first place. She makes you public enemy number one and you figured this was a good time to chat?

You know Oliver, somebody once told me that secrets have weight. The more you keep, the harder it is to keep moving.

Diggle: How'd it go with your mother?
Oliver: Not well. Have you found somebody for me to hit yet?

Sara: Dig, you may be a three-tour special forces veteran, but I was trained by the people that make the special forces look
like a kindergarten class so step aside, or be put down.
Diggle: It's your funeral Sara.
Sara: It wouldn't be my first.

Felicity: Just thinking out loud, but are we sure this is the best plan we can come up with? I know Lyla's your friend, but...
Diggle: Felicity, Lyla isn't my friend. She was my wife.

Diggle: Why am I getting that you know more about this than Felicity's new friend?
Oliver: Pray I'm wrong.

Diggle: I think our Miss Smoak is smitten.
Oliver: Diggle, what did you find out about Mr. Allen?
Diggle: He's not who he says he is.

Diggle: I've just never seen you spooked like this before.
Oliver: That should tell you something.

I think you didn't have a problem with Felicity’s performance until she met Barry Allen.

Home is a battlefield.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
