McGee: Where’s they go?
Gibbs: Not the question.
McGee: What happened?
Gibbs: *That’s* the question!

Pavlenko: Agent Gibbs. I was relieved to learn of your safe return after the helicopter accident.
Gibbs: It was no accident. It was a missile.

Never screw over your partner. (Season 4, Episode 14, Gibbs)

Rule #1

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

Jimmy: I know you like me, too.
Gibbs [ominously]: Oh, yeah.
Jimmy: Growing less and less certain by the second.

Tony: Oil business has Benham Parsa written all over it.
Gibbs: FBI?
McGee: They don't think there's a connection. Intel shows that Parsa's still underground.

Gibbs: You need something Bishop.
Bishop: Nope. I'm good.
Gibbs: Wasn't a question.
Bishop: Deep undercover work, like Tony did years ago. Hypothetically, would you ever put me in that position?
Gibbs: That's tough to answer.
Bishop: I'm only saying....I know the big picture. Eventually, everyone's time comes. And I understand and accept that.
Gibbs: Forget the big picture. Look at everything close up.
Bishop: Do you think that working undercover for so long affected your marriage?
Gibbs: Go home to Jake, Bishop.

Gibbs: Hey! You got something to say?
Bishop: Not in a million years.
Tony: Actually, I just want you to know I understand completely. I do. There's nothing more enticing than forbidden fruit. Especially the kind you can spoon with.

Rivera: I have freed the devil's men. And they hate you as much as I do. Sooner or later, they will strike.
Gibbs: The only one who escaped was Lateef Mir. That's him. They let you watch TV in here? You should turn on the news tonight. You'll see his picture. Your picture. It'll be great.

Bishop: Gibbs, I was doing background on Anne Marshall and the situation she's in is completely unfair.
Gibbs: What situation?
Bishop: The only reason she can't practice law here is because West Virginia's bar doesn't reciprocate with California. So, her fifteen years of experience went to nothing just because she crossed state lines.
Gibbs: Bishop, focus on the case.
Bishop: It's not right, Gibbs. When troops fight for their country, their families do too. Anne Marshall, all the military spouses out there, who fights for them?
Gibbs: We do.
Bishop: Good, because I want to reach out to Joining Forces. It's an initiative that supports military veterans and their families. And...
Gibbs: I know what it is. I'm looking into it. I already made the call.

Abby: Gibbs! Trying to give me heart palpitations?
Gibbs: No. What've you got, Abbs?
Abby: Heart palpitations.

Ducky: My mind has been scattered with grandfatherly worries.
Gibbs: Grandfather?
Ducky: Mr. Palmer has declared when the child is of speaking age, she will call me "Grand-Ducky".

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?